Saturday, 5 October 2013

SCOPE:   It contains  

Features to be tested

For ex,  Compose mail
            Sent Items

Features not to be tested

For ex,  Help

i.e., in the planning stage, we decide which feature to test and which not to test due to the limited time available for the project.

a) “HELP” is a feature developed and written by a technical writer and reviewed by another technical writer. So, we’ll not test this feature.

b) Let us consider that an application with features A, B, C and D are to be developed as per requirements. But then, D has already been developed and is in use by another company. So, the development team will purchase D from that company and integrate with the other features A, B and C. Now, we will not do functional testing on D because D is already in use in the market. But we will do integration testing and system testing between A, B, C and D because the new features may not work with D properly.

c) In the 1st release of the product – features that have been developed are – a, b, c, d, e,    f, g, h, … m, n, o.
Now, the customer gives requirements of new features to be built for enhancement of       the product during the 2nd release. The features to be developed are – p, q, r, s, t.

During test plan, we write scope,


Features to be tested
P, Q, R, S, T (new features)
A, B, C, D, E, F

Features not to be tested
G, H, I, J… N, O

Thus we first test new features and then test old features which might be affected by building the new features i.e, impact areas. We do regression testing for A, B, C, …, F. 

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